
Business Leader

Business Leader is more than a premier business title: we are a source of information, inspiration and motivation for successful leaders, executives, investors and entrepreneurs. Through our four editorial cornerstones – Inspire, Innovate, Invest and Indulge – we delve deeper into both the professional and personal lives of business leaders, exploring the lifestyle interests and pursuits of this affluent audience. Our content creates conversations on all platforms, while our voice is the one that matters to decision makers and game changers.

Business Leader ranks #1 amongst Africa’s most influential* reaching an engaged audience of:
C-suite & Top Management
Business Owners
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Business Decision makers

About us

Business Leader is more than a premier business title: we are a source of information, inspiration and motivation for successful leaders, executives, investors and entrepreneurs.


Business Leader is produced by KN Unique Communications, an global media & branding company with innovation at its very core.

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